24 Filial Stories - Story 24 - 21
The following are photos taken from Chin Wee Temple in Genting Highlands. It consist of 24 stories reflecting filial virtue. The stories also can be found in the following site: http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~asia/24ParagonsFilialPiety.html
The following is the set of photos taken of the carvings:
Story Number 24: Cleaning Parent's toilet bucket personally

Story # 23: Cried for Bamboo shoots

Story # 22: Carry wooden statues of parents for worshipping purposes

Story # 21: Crying at mother's grave over thunderstorm

The following is the set of photos taken of the carvings:
Story Number 24: Cleaning Parent's toilet bucket personally

Story # 23: Cried for Bamboo shoots

Story # 22: Carry wooden statues of parents for worshipping purposes

Story # 21: Crying at mother's grave over thunderstorm
