Movie Review: X-Men: Apocalypse

I used to like X-men comics, however, I found that the stories contain too much negative energy, hatred between men and mutants. I realize that there a lot of similarities in reality. Anyway, I still went to watch this movie. The movie starts in ancient Egypt, where En Sabah Nur (aka Apocalypse) was revered as a god on the way to transferring to a new body. As the process started, a group of people tried to kill him by bringing down the pyramid and killing the new body before the process completed. They were partially successful in their attempt - he was protected by some of his powerful followers who died protecting him. His revival in 1983 appears to be due to the action of Moira, who was following some worshippers of Apocalypse - she left the entrance open and allowed the sunlight into the cavern and activated the device used by En Sabah Nur and woke him up. We are then introduced to Angel and Nightcrawler - forced to fight with each other in an underground fight club w...