Obtaining RSS feed from the writing websites and its uses
When it comes to providing feed into this site for my other writing sites, a rss feed is required. The same applies if you want to automatically publish your articles on Facebook (via NetworkedBlogs). image © Michael Jastremski for openphoto.net CC:Attribution-ShareAlike Some sites make it easy for you. The following are the rss for the sites I write for. Note that in each case, strovek is my username, if you need it for your own user name, just replace it strovek with your username for the site. Triond http://www.triond.com/feed/user/pen_name/strovek ExpertsPages http://expertspages.com/author/strovek/feed Bukisa http://www.bukisa.com/rss/author/Strovek Wikinut http://www.wikinut.com/arss~sohnm/Strovek/rss.xml Blogger (using this site as a sample) http://interloperview.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss or http://interlopervi...