Movie Review: Zootopia

Initially I was not interested in watching Zootopia in the cinema, but my son expressed interest in the movie. However, he was too busy with a lot of other activities and was unable to go with us. Instead I took my daughter with me to the movie. We loved it, the storytelling was great, it has mystery, plot twist and humor.

We are first introduced to Judy Hopps, a bunny who wanted to the first rabbit to join the police force, but both her parents did not support the idea. They preferred that she continued the family tradition and remain a carrot farmer. Most would have succumbed to the pressure and give up the dream but not Judy. Her partner is Nick Wilde a fox; Judy fell for one of his scams during their first encounter, but managed to blackmail him to help her later in the movie. The movie makes good use of stereotypes in the story, showing how societies prejudice pressures makes some of these stereotypes, self fulfilling (as in the case of Nick).

Judy and Nick reminds me of 48 hours, the movie by Nick Nolte and Eddie Murphy. Many other movies have used a similar formula of reluctant and incompatible partners who learned to appreciate each other and become friends in the end. Ironically, she was also given 48 hours to solve a case. Judy managed to get herself assigned to a case of missing “people” which then turned into a case of coverup and subsequently turned into a case of conspiracy.

The movie is still on in our local cinemas and this allowed by wife to watch the movie with my son.

Disclaimer: I was not paid to write this review.


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