Opportunity to Discover

I recently started downloading podcast and listening to them on the way to and from my office. Podcast works great since I can download it at home and listen to it (without mobile data) in my car. I tried listening to Audiobooks in the past but takes too much time to download and also to listen.

I discovered a podcast series that was just started this year called “The Way I Heard It”. Each episode only last about six minutes and so far the few episodes introduces me to interesting stories of things and people I did not know about.

Some of the stories include:

  1. The person who came up with the technology used in modern wifi.
  2. How a teacher managed to help a shy boy realize his gift and became one of the greatest voice of our time.

Only 12 episodes (with the first episode explaining why the podcast was started) have been created so far and it looks like a new episode is made available each week.

I just thought of sharing this great discovery.


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