Why Aren't the Phones Selling?

There is a sale on Ebay since Jun 11 and is still going on today. Samsung Galaxy S5 is listed at RM1899 while it is sold else where in Malaysia at RM2399. When the sale was first announced, I was sure that the phones would be sold within minutes of the sale. This has not been the case. The nice thing about the phones are that the warranty comes from Samsung Malaysia.

The few people I spoke to agreed that the price is very attractive but as of today the different variations of the phone is still available - Gold, White, Blue and Black. Note 3 is also also sale at RM1899 but those are also not selling.

I can only speculate the reason why those phones are not selling. Could it be one of the following:

  1. Lack of awareness. Potential buyers are not aware of the sale.
  2. The phones can only be bought using PayPal. 
  3. Even though the phones are on sale, it is still too expensive for most Malaysian.
  4. Those who want the phone already bought them.
  5. There are many other phone options out there.
For option 3, the buyer could easily convert their purchase into easy payment with a handling charge of 2%.

Since I gain nothing from the sale, it does not concern me that much. I am just curious.


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