Screen Overlay Detected Error

I thought my phone was broken. I could not grant or revoke permissions on any of the apps on my phone unless I restart the phone in safe mode. I could not perform zoom or even change anything in my camera, I could only take normal shots. It was so frustrating that I considered buying a new phone.

However, I decided to perform some research as a final attempt. Each time, I tried to make any changes I am faced with the following screen.


Turns out the offending application was es explorer. I do not remember which site provided me this information but the solution was found in one of the comments to the article. At first, I uninstalled es explorer and everything works again. However, I was not satisfied, I decided to reinstall the app and tried the suggestion in another comment to just disable es swipe. The suggestion was effective, so I can continue to use es browser.  To disable, the swipe feature, go to the settings and then click the on button and select disable:

Screenshot_20170701-081604.png  Screenshot_20170701-081555.png

Es swipe allows the following shortcut to appear when we swipe a certain way on the screen:

es swip.JPG

Nice feature but totally unnecessary since majority of the settings are already available in most of the phones when we swipe down from the top of the screen.

I still like es explorer, it allows me to select songs to use as my ringtone, alarms and alerts on my OnePlus One. It also provides some nice features like cleaning up remnant folders for apps uninstalled from the phone.

I am glad to finally remove the irritation from my phone. Apparently other may also cause this problem:

  • Clean Master
  • DU Speed Booster
  • Xender
  • UC Browser
  • 360 Security

The following are some pages I found useful during my troubleshooting:


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