Now I am confused

So what is the greatest threat that mankind is facing. I guess I have lost touch. All this while, I still think that the depletion of the ozone layer is the threat because, by depleting the ozone layer we allow all the harmful rays of the sun to enter our atmosphere thus causing cancer or other skin diseases.

However, as I watch the show - Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" , it talks about global warming. Apparently global warming is different from the ozone depletion. The global warming is actually the rays of the sun that are deflecting from earth is not able to escape the atmosphere.

For those who have not watched the show, I encourage you to watch it. The message it is trying to convey is critical to our survival as a species. According to the show, the recent disasters which we are facing in recent years can be linked to the global warming - primarily diseases like SARS and recent disasters like Kathrina and recent earthquake.

If we don't pay attention to the warnings and take action now, it will mean the end of our survival as a species.

According to a colleague of mine, the depletion of the ozone layer has been captured with the control of the ozone depleting chemicals. I wonder if this is really true or are we facing many different threats (most of which are self incurred).


debica sigamani said…
Both global warming and ozone layer depletions are two different issues,, eventhough both are the signs of the sufferings of our mother nature. Dont get confused,,coz these are the major threat to mankind today compared to anything else. Your friend may be right about the control of the ODC(Ozone depleting Chemicals) but who is controlling them? CFC, CF4 and halons (which contains bromine instead of chlorines) are still found in most of the products. And the countries that is taking these control measures are those who has terrible ozone condition(Im not even sure if they are serious about it due to its high cost in order to find a substitute for these chemicals) This clearly shows that the countries without razor thin ozone layers dont care much about these ODC,,(which is depleting their ozone gradually). And there will be a hole soon,, only then they will take this seriously. We cant count on the authorities, the survival of homo sapiens comes from the very individual of us,, stop using aerosol sprays,, air conditioners,hair spray,, (phh! B,, is this possible?) talk to my sisters about hairsprays,,and can you drive around your car with the windows unwind? If we cant do it as an individual,, no point worrying,, coz we asked for it,,.

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