Fitbit Charge 3 vs Honor Band 5i

Fitbit Charge 3Honor Band 5i
Step Count
Honor combines phone and band and provides a composite count. so it tends to provide higher step count
Heart RateFitbit shows a higher hear rate count compared to Honor
Cardio FitnessFitbit provides a cardio fitness range if there is GPS assisted run otherwise it provides a range.Not available
SleepFitbit detects higher waking time. (Apr 30 claims I was awake for 50 minutes)
Provides higher points. (93)
Reports Estimated Oxygen Variations
Honor claims I was only awake for 5 minutes (Apr 30)
Gave me lower sleep point (74)
Does not report Oxygen Variations

Total sleep hours visible on the band.
Notification/MessagesTies to the phone, if you swipe away on the phone lock screen, it dismisses from the band.

Will appear on the band when it reconnects to the bluetooth range even if it came when your band is out of range.
Have to manually remove from the band.

Messages on the phone when the band is out of range will not appear on the band
Calories burnProvides total calories burned (takes into account BMR and heartbeat)Only provides calories burned by activities.
Calories in/outProvides chart comparison between calories intake and outputNot available
Water IntakeAvailableNot available
Switching offProcess is pretty complicated.

Need to connect charger, hold the power button until the line display appears and then disconnect the charger.
Option available.
Battery Life14 days7 days
ChargerCan charge without removing bandHave to remove strap to charge
SyncSometimes won't work with home wifi. Need to use mobile networkWorks well so far.
Count StairsYesNot available
Google Fit

Only sleep data is transferred directly into Google Fit.
Exercises transfer to Google Fit and are fed into MyFitnessPal.
PriceMYR 649MYR 103


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