Movie Review: Eddie the Eagle

This movie was recommended to me by my brother. In a way, it is inspiring to see how Eddie dedicated his life (from the age of 10) to one goal - participate in the Olympics.

Parents are supposed to support their children and help them achieve their dream, however, looking at what Eddie, that dream was clearly impossible. At first it was cute, dressing up and going out in the middle of the night heading towards the “Olympics”. I guess it is not that bad then, but if my children were to do that I would go crazy and immediately ground them. The world is not safe for a 10 year old to go out into the street on his own.

As he grew up, he started trying different kinds of sports and it was obvious that he is not your typical sportsman - he was bad in almost everything he tried.

At the end, he settled upon ski jumping - a sport that no one from his country participates (but used to). This is something I can relate to - join an activity where there is little interest and you can be a leader with very little effort. The officials in his country did not see it that way and was afraid that he will make them a laughing stock of the games.

Needless to say, he succeeded in going into the Olympics. It also highlights how the Olympics Creed is forgotten by most: "The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well."

Once in awhile we get a feel good movie and this is one of them.

Disclaimer: I was not paid to write this review.


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