Call to Action

Recently I came across a call to keep healthy by walking 10,000 steps per day. Initially I thought it was relatively easy to achieve. I decided to give it try. I have a pedometer but decided that since I have my phone with me most of the time, I might as well get an App to make my phone a pedometer.
Widget Screen

I looked at a few apps but found AccuPedo to be the one most suitable for me because of the following reason:

  1. It provides both steps as well as a calorie count.
  2. It has a widget which makes it easy to switch it to pause mode. You need to do that when driving in order to avoid counting the movement of the car as steps.
  3. The battery usage on my phone is minimal.
  4. It counts my steps with minimal intervention from me. I just need to make sure that the phone is in my pocket when I walk around.

After trying this for a few days, I found that I only managed to exceed the 10,000 steps threshold when I ran on my treadmill. I used the nike plus app at the same time as the accupedo since it is running as a service in the background much like all other services on the phone. Sadly, the nike plus app failed after my run so I did not have my last run recorded on my nikeplus record but the run/walk was recorded in the AccuPedo.

10k step count
It looks like all the information is recorded locally on the phone. I am using the free version and from what I read some functionality will be disabled after 30 days unless I upgraded to the pro version. I will wait and see what happens once the 30 days expire.

From what I have seen so far, I do an average of 5000+ steps in a day when I am working. Will need to see how many steps I do during the weekend or when I am on leave. However, I found that if I just walked, I am not able to increase my heart rate which helps with my migraine.


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