Getting Rid of Mosquitoes
Seems that the recent hot spell has caused mosquitoes to appear in large numbers. This went on for a few nights. Each time, I go to sleep, they will start attacking me. The bites will appear as lumps on my hands and legs. Those lumps were both painful and itchy. I tried using commercial mosquito spray but I had to remember to spray my bedroom a few hours before my bedtime because I did not want to sleep breathing the poison. It sometimes works. However, I often forget and even when I remember, the mosquitoes will return after the effect wears off and someone leaves the door open. I decided to use the electronic mosquito swatter we bought a few years ago. We left it aside for a few years after the last mosquito season. Unfortunately for me, the swatter could no longer retain charge. I managed to kill a few but I miss a lot because the swatter ran out of charge quite often after I spot the mosquito and when I hit it. On one of the nights, there was a mosquito which decided that ...