Ideas on How to Find Topics for Earning Online
One struggle for new bloggers is to find a topic. This is especially true for those who want to write and submit articles to blog to earn money. Here are some suggestions to help address this challenge. image © Adrian van Leen for CC:PublicDomain Movies Have you seen a movie lately? If you have, why not write a review about the movie? Discuss the story line, what was good about the movie, what was bad about the movie? Did you go to the movie with your children or friends, if you did then share their comments or reactions to the movie? Was there anything memorable about the movie? Maybe there were some questions that others might be interested in such as did the movie contains nudity. Some of the movie reviews were on movies I recently watched such as Ted , Looper (a movie with Bruce Willis) and Skyfall (the latest Bond movie). Instead of movies, you could also write about television series, especially new series that has just been released like Last Resort...