What You Need to Know About Medical Insurance
My recent accident got me to think about insurance when I found out that my medical card did not cover for the bridge needed to replace the three teeth I lost. We consulted an agent from another insurance company who happen to be a close friend to my parents. According to her, bridge should be covered since it was to restore the function of my mouth before the accident. The other two insurance cover maintains that bridge is considered cosmetic and is therefore not covered. © Marissa CC: Attribution-ShareAlike Sadly, it is usually the case when it comes to insurance. We get insurance for the peace of mind that we will be covered when we need it but when we really need to coverage, we are told that we are not covered. I am switching my medical insurance for now. I hope the new policy will provide a better coverage than the one I am switching from. For a comparable premium the lifetime limit of the medical insurance is RM 1 million compared to the old one is only RM 720k. T...