Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

Two weeks ago, I went to see an ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat) specialist after having my cough for more than a month (and consuming two and half course of antibiotic).

After examining me, he concluded that the problem was with my sinus, and it will continue to cause me problems if not addressed. A CT scan was performed to verify the extend of my sinus infection and the scanned confirmed that most of my sinus cavities are filled. I was admitted to the hospital and administered intravenous antibiotics over the weekend and scheduled for surgery on Monday.

The surgery was carried out on Monday, May 15, 2017, at 8 am. I had to fast from midnight so that I would not throw up during the surgery. The procedure was called functional endoscopic sinus surgery (also known as FESS). According to the doctor, he used a scope and laser to remove the polyps and widen my nasal passages. The whole procedure took about 45 minutes due to the number of polyps that had to be removed. I was under general anaesthesia and so did not feel anything during the procedure. I was still sleepy when I returned to my room after the procedure.

After the surgery, I could breathe better; no more congestion. I had to perform regular nasal wash to remove the blood crust building in my nose. Initially, I could feel strong taste of blood in my throat and some blood crust and stains was visible when goggled or perform the nasal wash. The doctor sucked up some blood crust and phlegm (which the nasal wash could not remove) during my follow up visit.

This was the first time I have heard of this procedure. I found out that one of my friends had gone through a similar procedure last year. I was surprised to learn that there is a simple way to perform the nasal wash. According to my mother, previously, the doctor was the only one who could perform the cleaning.

I am glad I went through the procedure.


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